1. The basics always come first: when it comes to selling it is always necessary to work on the presentation of the property. Even if it is only a home in which you have not slept once, having furniture, curtains, shelves and so on just to present it in better light is a good idea.
2. Getting several estimates of the value of your property by professionals is a good guide to determine the price and a good lever when negotiating with potential buyers.
3. Decide how you plan to sell your property. The safest alternative is to bet on a real estate company that helps you to see the best possibilities and save you time and risk.
4. Have, in advance, all your papers in order. This way the offers and transactions will be faster and more efficient.
5. If several prospects are interested in your property it is necessary to choose the one that is less likely to fall back and move at your own pace. In addition, having an idea of his financial history, can give you valuable information to know if it will honor your payment commitment.
6. Be clear and precise when it comes to informing what the price includes. From water heaters to shelves and furniture, everything stipulates clearly serves first to avoid misunderstandings, and so to make the sale more attractive. Leave everything in writing.
7. Set according the dates, setting them in advance. Doing so will avoid any misunderstanding in the future.
8. Stay in touch. Any problem can be presented and it is your responsibility to resolve it in advance. From plumbing failures to doubts in the sales contract, your attention to detail will prevent the buyer from thinking twice and ensuring the sale.